Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Phase One 39-Megapixel Digital Camera Back

Not as impressive perhaps as the four gigapixel camera, makers of high end camera gear, Phase One have released the P45, a 39 megapixel digital back.

It has a 20 Meg per second throughput to maintain a 35 frame per minute max frame rate. is an open wiki intending to capture information and links to all camera brands and models. Add to it if you've got something to say!

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Mid flight

Mid flight
Originally uploaded by jarek69.
Just thought I would show off this shot taken from our balcony.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Rotary pinhole camera

Hardcore panorama pinhole camera design. Uses an 8x20" film and rotates as it exposes.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Nikon expands battery recall

Ahh crap.

Nikon have extended the battery recall from a little while ago.

I really have to check my batteries.

Mamiya ZD 22 megapixel D-SLR is finally shipping this month in Japan

It may not be four gigapixels but the new Mamiya ZD 22 megapixel D-SLR is still pretty hot.

Graham Flint and The Gigapxl Project

Being a software geek I'm a big fan of IT Conversations, a website that has the lofty intentions of capturing all of the important IT discussions and delivering them as a podcast.

Their founder, Doug Kaye, has begun branching into other domains which is how I stumbled onto a talk with Graham Flint. Graham is a physicist who has been investigating technologies to take ultra high resolution images.

By "ultra" I mean freakin' stupidly huge. His latest camera can take four gigapixel images.

It turns out that there's a number of interesting applications for such images. High quality VR demands such images. Archival imagery (for preservation of historical data) requires as high a resolution as possible. Astronomy is another domain that would benefit. The list goes on.

However, as you can imagine, there are many technical difficulties when trying to capture such an image. Not least of which is that the kit weighs fifty kilos, doesn't have any autofocus, and captures images on 9" x 18" film (yes, film!). They had to design and construct their own lens, film carrier and tweak software to handle the massive volume of data.

I found the talk fascinating.

There's also a lot of technical information on the Gigapxl Project website.

Now that would be a fun project to work on! :)

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Marcy's Pintoid How-to

It's all about DIY lately!

Marcy shows you how to make a pinhole camera out of an altoid case. You can even buy them from him for under US$14!

Link via Make: Blog.

DIY US$22 Stereo Digital Camera

MAKE: Blog has a link to an article that shows how to create a stereo digital camera on the cheap.

Make your own Canon Digital Rebel remote

I don't own a Canon Digital Rebel (though they're great cameras) but if I did I'd be building my own remote right now.